Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Transfer Time

Hey, I'm getting transferred again :/    I'm going to miss Abbeville.  We had a lot going on, we just found a bunch of new people to teach and had an awesome week this last week. I'm going to Thibodaux, haha! I thought I was going to be here a long time but I guess I'm needed somewhere else.  I know my companion I'm going to serve with, he is awesome.  I was actually on an exchange with someone from Preston and he asked who I would most like to serve with, and I said my new companion because it's his last transfer. So it's gonna be good! We have Elder Bednar coming next Saturday so that's exciting as well.
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you  I'm going to be a zone leader I guess, haha!  I'm technically not supposed to know but when you have been in the office, you have a few connections.  I'm going to miss all the people we are working with here and all the people in my zone.
Yes Mom, we have sisters here in the zone, they are pretty good ones too.  One is from Pleasant Grove and she actually graduated with Erica and the other just got here from temple square. They let here come here for a few transfers and then she will go back for tourist season.  She was in the MTC the same time I was. She is from France. I went on an exchange with a missionary from Taboui a small island by Tahiti and he was teaching me some French. So I have a language card and some phrases because there are a lot of people here who speak French.  The guy living by us in the house boat grew up speaking French and didn't know what English was until he went to school and the teacher was yelling at him and he didn't know what was going on.
I'm not sure how being a zone leader will be, probably a lot more meetings.  Normally I give the zone leaders a hard time, so now I'm going too feel like a hypocrite!  But I've really liked and gotten along with all my zone leaders so far. So hopefully I can be like them.

Sounds like you all had a good Christmas. I still can't believe Alisha got married! haha! Well, I can - but it doesn't feel like I've been gone long enough for her to be getting married. But I guess it has been a few days since I left.  I saw the snow pictures from New Mexico, that was pretty cool. Maybe we will get some. I saw a little frost on the ground today, that was different.   
I'm still just shell shocked cause I'm getting transferred.  It came out of no where, but it's my first time being transferred on a normal transfer day though! haha!  No more emergency transfers for me! There is hope for me yet, no more mischievous Elder Ritchie that only gets ET'ed (emergency transferred), ha ha!  
I just hope my companion I'm leaving will do OK.  I made sure to leave very good notes and a very neat and informative area book, but i guess that's all I can do.  I hope the area can continue to do well because it is an awesome area, definitely one I'll have to come back and visit one day. I just wish I could've been here longer.  But I'm really excited for my new companion it's going to be awesome, he was in the office when I was in Baton Rouge. He was with Elder Murphy and his name is Elder Clark.
Well, I better go we are heading up to Lafayette for a zone p-day, play some more dodge ball, and say my goodbyes.
Love y'all,
love Elder Ritchie   

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