Monday, January 16, 2012

Amazingly Awesome with a Side of Outstanding

Well, it has been a terrible week for Louisiana.   LSU looses in the national championship game in New Orleans... ( I was like 10 miles from the game when it was going on haha! There was a gloomy feel in the air while we were driving back to Thibadaux) and then the saints loose to San Francisco. Just a terrible week in Louisiana.

But my week consisted of amazingly awesome with a side of outstanding!  Elder Bednar came and had a meeting with just our mission and he asked us questions for an hour and then he turned the time over to us to ask him questions for two and a half hours and it was awesome!!  I know he is and apostle and he is so humble about it, he is bold about his calling but knows it is not him that is great but that it is his calling that is great.  He was able to expound on the scriptures like I have never heard and bring the spirit like I've never felt. It was awesome and we all got to shake his hand afterwards. 

Then we were able to go to stake conference with him and I was able to see Tammy there! It was incredible to see her again and her little girl Kirsten! They said Chelsie was sick but she made it to the YM/YW meeting with Elder Bednar!  So that was awesome and I was able to see Jamie and that was really awesome too!! I miss them down in Challmette. Tammy told me I'll always be family to them and that made me miss teaching them but its awesome that they are doing well! 

Peter  wrote me an email haha! What is up with this weekend? Haha! It's just crazy awesome and I got to watch the Best Two Years with a recent convert from Holland that just recently got baptized in our area.  We get to teach people our age here cause there is that college Nichols State.  It's super weird being around people our age but its cool. Luke sent me a pretty sweet picture too, I was pretty stoked about that!!  So many blessings this weekend, we had an investigator named Chelsea tell us she really wanted to get married to the guy she is living with cause it's what she needs to do to get baptized and she would want to have a wedding and then a baptism on the same day!

So many awesome new and tender mercies, something bad was bound to happen though... I lost my camera... so all my pictures are gone.... hopefully it turns up cause I think I lost it at the stake center but I don't know. It's a good thing I sent most of my pictures home but I have taken a bunch since then :( oh well, memories are what counts.  But it was an awesome week so I'm not going to complain I'll loose a camera if I can have a week like that again.  You should send that SD card back to me so I can have those pictures when I buy a new camera.  But take the pictures off for yourselves of course.
Well, I know the church is true and I know we definitely have living apostles that are called of God. I was able to witness that this weekend and I was able to have so many other blessing it was awesome, the church is true down here in Louisiana as well! I know that the Lord lives and one thing I really took from Elder Bednar was the strengthening power of the atonement. I always focused on the cleansing part but it is there to give us strength as well.  Elder Bednar said himself, without it he wouldn't be able to do what he does and that he would spend all his time hiding in his room under his bed crying. But its because of the atonement we can do what we are called to do and I know the Lord will strengthen us and will be  looking out for us if we are trying to do what is right! I know this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Well, love y'all,
love elder ritchie

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