Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just leading the zone

Still haven't found my camera, I'm going to start looking for another one like the one I lost.  It's still kinda weird working with college students and going to the dorms and walking around campus but I like it.  I still haven't gotten to know the area here to well because I have been on exchanges with the district leaders in our zone. It's kinda weird, I feel like I know their areas just as well if not better than I know my own! But I should be staying here this week so maybe I will get to know it better.
I was in Metairie last week with Elder Dehart a Spanish missionary that I lived with in Baton Rouge, it was cool to go tracting with him. We saw some awesome miracles and found some solid Spanish people, I wish I could have helped out more but I'm loosing the few phrases I know in Spanish after not living with Spanish missionaries for a while.  I was able to interview a guy they were teaching for baptism.  It was my first baptismal interview and it went really well.  I had to have some one there to translate though, but he was ready and got baptized on Friday.  Then Saturday when I was back here we got a call from the mission president's wife asking if we could go visit Elder Dehart cause he got hit by a car on his bike. She thought he was in shock because he couldn't stop laughing about it, but he was fine. I guess that's just Elder Dehart. He ruined his bike and he said he went flying through the air and messed up the front of the car that hit him but he walked away unscratched.  No coincidence I'm thinking. He has a reputation on his bike, not to long ago he took a wall on with his face, that one sent him to the ER but he still just laughs about it.  There are canals that run all over through New Orleans and he has ridden into a few of them... haha! But he always get away lucky so I'm pretty sure someone is watching out for him.
We had a lot better week here while I was gone, we had a less active call us the day before I left and said her friend was interested in learning about the gospel. Her life partner passed away a year ago so she was looking for answers and when they went and taught her she knew  everything because she got on mormon.org and read basically everything and really liked the plan of salvation.  She was very open to committing for baptism on Feb. 11th. She wasn't able to make it to church this Sunday however, but hopefully everything is still on track.
Well it rained here today but the rest of the week it was really nice, still holding strong in the 70's. It's weird to think its January but I kinda like it except the humidity is gross. We walked to the campus the other day and it was like your walking with resistance because the air is so thick its sticky.
Hey, I  hear that at your year mark it's good to get new shirts, they start to turn yellow and my front pockets are starting to rip I've had to sew a few of them up so I can hold my stuff and my name tag.
That's all I got this week!
love elder ritchie

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