Monday, January 9, 2012

ZL in Thibodaux

You asked about transfers and what Zone Leaders do. Well, transfers are on Wednesdays so I've been here about five days. The new area is good, but it is struggling to find people to teach right now.  They had two baptisms right before Christmas but now they are having a hard time trying to find people to teach. But we have a college in our area called Nichols State University and we are teaching students but they don't get back till next week.  So hopefully it picks up a little bit by then. 
We have been in meetings a lot. We had a zone leader council in Baton Rouge where we talk about the mission with the President and the assistant. We find out what we can do better and what other zones are doing that has been successful.  It was pretty cool to kinda see that other side of missionary work.  Now we have to have a district leader council tonight and will relay everything we went over and get the district leaders to commit their districts implement some changes, so that should be fun.  So that's basically what zone leaders do.  We  work with the district leaders and help them work with their districts. We have 4 districts in our zone and we have 11 companionships.  I think it's one of the bigger zones.  I know a lot of the missionaries in my zone: Elder Gentry, the first missionary that I trained is in the zone, it was cool to see him again. He is doing well.  There are a couple of Spanish speaking Elders that I lived with and one that came out of the MTC with me and a couple that had been in my district when I was in Baton Rouge.  So far it hasn't been super different.  We do exchanges basically every week so I'll be going with missionaries in the zone every week just to work with them. We rotate to different district meetings and go watch their planning sessions just try to help the missionaries out.
Elder Murphy from Idaho Falls is pretty awesome himself. My companion served with him and he is a stud, haha, does alot of good work.
Thibodaux is pronounced like ti-ba-doe haha! Sorta like tidbit almost.
Well it's about 70 degrees here today and we plan on going golfing with a member that's going to school here. He is awesome, he served a mission in Italy and baptized like 40 people which is alot! Especially in Europe.  He had a full ride to BYU but turned it down to go somewhere where he could continue to be a missionary and teach the gospel.  Two of his new friends just got baptized before Christmas and he just got back here yesterday.  He is from Georgia and said he is going to work on getting us some new investigators. It's members like that that make missionary work happen, tracting is not the ideal way to do missionary work.
I've been loosing my voice again but I think its starting to come back.  It's hard to come into a new area with a faint and crackly voice haha! The scripture "Open thy mouth and I will give the utterance"  wasn't working these last few days, but its getting better.  I didn't really feel sick, just lost my voice again.
Well I'l let you know more about the new area next week.  Actually I'm going to be out in Laplace from Tuesday to Thursday. Oh, and I'll let you know how Elder Bednar is doing too.  We are going to get to be around him all day Saturday. We have a missionary meeting for three hours and then priesthood meeting with him and then the adult conference session.  Then we have a new member investigator class we might get to attend Sunday morning which would be awesome cause it will be like a classroom setting with an apostle and then he will be in our stake conference Sunday.  So I'm preparing myself to be spiritually mind blown! haha!  it should be good and hopefully we have some investigators there!
Well, love you all!
love elder ritchie

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