Monday, November 19, 2012

Where does time go?

Thanksgiving already??? Where does time go? It's finally cooling of here, even though it's been the the 50's at night and feels nice. I'll take the cold at home over this cold, I don't like it.
Well, some new news: Jen moved her date to next Thursday the 29th instead of the 15th of December because there was a stake activity and she wanted to do it before transfers come.  Most likely one of us is leaving that next week, hopefully its not me! haha!  I have a pretty good idea that I'll stay but you never know with me, I tend to travel and my companion tends to stay put.  
Nick is still doing ggreat! He left today to go back to Michigan for the week, we got him up to pass the sacrament yesterday too, that was sweet. 
I cant beleive Erica is comming home already!  That's cool she gets home before Christmas. Knowing her she will probably be married before I get home.
Well, have a good Thankgiving even if its just at a restaurant.
Love y'all!
love elder ritchie

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