Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving card

Our Thanksgiving Card from Sam

Hello Family,
Just thougt I'd send a card for Thanksgiving and let y'all know I miss ya. Life is good in the South, Mormons are getting a much better rep after the election. They made the front page here talking about how most religions are sticking by our side now and the real winner of the election was the Mormons.

So Jen's baptism is now on the 29th this month because of scheduing work, she picked that day, so Happy Birthday Josh, looks like your getting a new member of the church for your birthday because you never told me what you wanted. There were some sweet white alligator skin boots I was thinking about getting you too, oh well.... So that RPM 5 gum you got me smells just like a monster energy drink. (He sent us back a stick to smell). Well, have a good Thanksgiving!

Love Elder Samuel Alan Ritchie

PS. I thought of the Andrus Girls when I saw this card, it sounded like something they would come up with.

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