Monday, November 12, 2012

The one about Bishop's Chickens

Well, Nick got a calling in the young men's this week, so that was some exciting news. Jen is doing really well, to she is getting more and more comfortable with getting baptized and she is about to finish Alma. The Wagleys were at church this week too, he is a member that has been less active for a while and she is his wife that isn't a member. He went on a mission to Mexico City and now he is a Spanish teacher, he is really cool.  He actually has the facsimile No. 2 tattooed on his back. Haha!  We have a lesson with them this week and we had a lesson last Monday night at the Bishop's and he made gumbo. The Bishop is actually teaching us how to make gumbo today.
Oh funny story! So we built Bishop a chicken coop a couple weeks ago but he couldn't find any chickens. So Elder Smith and I decided we were going to get him some as a surprise. So, we went to a farm store and see if the have any laying hens but they only had chicks, but they gave us the numbers to a couple of people that might have some. We gave them a call an find a guy that is selling them for 6 bucks a hen but the paper said $5, but we figured $6 was still good cause Bishop could only find some for $8 at the cheapest when he looked. So we tell the guy we are coming to get them and it turns out he lived in Pineville's area so we went poaching for a bit. But on the way, we decided we were going to barter with the guy and see if we can get 4 chickens for $22 instead of $24 and if not we were just going to get 3 chickens for $18.   When we got there we got him to take the bait so we ended up with four chickens in a big box in our back seat. So we head to Bishop's, then we try and decide how we are going to go about giving him these  chickens.  We figure if he is gone we will put them in the coop and wait and see if he notices. And if he is there, we would sneak them into the coop and then knock on the door and ask where the chickens came from. We get there and his truck isn't there, so we get ready to get the chickens out but something catches my eye, I see something in the coop and my heart sinks,  he already had chickens! So we go out and look and he has 8 chickens out there! We're are super bummed and wondering what are we gonna do now cause he probably has as many as he wanted and didn't want any more.  We panic and just put the chickens in the box on the front porch and head out.  As we are driving down the road, Bishop passes us, so we pull off and wait for a couple minutes to see if he calls.  When he didn't, we head back to his house and we pull up and he is out in the back yard messing with stuff.  We go out there and he starts telling us how he got some chickens for about 20 minutes, then he went and sat down a little ways from the porch and he starts talking to us some more. Then someone called and we are just nervous because there are chickens like 20 feet behind us that we're not sure he even wants anymore because he already has a bunch.  Then his phone rings again and  he starts talking to someone else and tells them about how he got chickens but  he only got 7 and was wondering if his they knew where he could get 4 more chickens because he wanted 11 or so. Well, as soon as he said that me and Elder Smith just start smiling and could hardly hold in our laughter! He finishes up his call and starts talking to us again and we are doing everything we can to get him to go inside so he will see the box. Then the chickens start making noise, so Elder Smith and I  stop and look over and Bishop finally hears because they have been making noise the whole time! He says "What's that?"and we're like "We don't know".  He thought it was the dogs.  Elder Smith and I start toward the porch and he follows us then gets out a head of us and we are trying our hardest not to bust out laughing.  When he sees the box he gets all sorts of confused and I barely managed to say, "Are you expecting a package?" He just starts creeping towards it because it's making noises.  He was really cautious as he got closer to the box.  It was kind of dark on the covered porch and he couldn't see well as he slowly started to open it, you could tell he was all sorts of nervous.  Then he realized that it was chickens and kind of put two and two together at the same time we couldn't hold the laughing in any more.  He said we got him good!  He was super excited that he had  more chickens and started taking pictures of them and us and sending them to everyone! haha! It was hilarious!! 
Anyways, everything is going well down here even though  we almost gave our bishop a heart attack with some chickens, our investigators are all doing really well..
Love Y'all
love elder ritchie

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