Monday, August 6, 2012

Zone Leader in Alexandria

Hey, I'm in Alexandria!  I've officially been in every zone of my mission now and served in all the stakes.  My new companion is Elder Smith from Manila Utah. I don't really know too much about our zone yet. 
We do have some sweet investigators. One was a guy named Nick that's about 23 that came to church the Sunday before I got here, he had just recently moved down her from Michigan and his girlfriend from up there is a member and he has been to church before and has read but never met with the missionaries, so I was able to be there for the first lesson with him and he is awesome. He is really looking for the truth and he even came to the ward activity we had at Kincaid lake and got to meet some members and then he came to church again and we had another lesson with him right after. We learned about the word of wisdom in Sunday school and we thought it was maybe going to be a little  much for him but he liked it and said he already lives it basically and doesn't even like coffee or tea very much, so that part would be easy for him. We invited him to be baptized and he was hesitant saying he needed more of a sure answer but he feels like its true just not positive yet.  We assured him that if he continued to study and pray he would be given the answer. So we are excited for him, he is super prepared he has been out to Utah before and his girlfriend graduated from BYU and he is hoping she will move down here and he says they read over the phone at night.

Well, my new area is alot different than every where else I've served, my companion has been out just over a year and he has only served in this zone and there is another missionary we live with that is the same way and alot of other missionaries in the zone have  served here there whole missions so it feels like a whole other mission. It's pretty cool because I know alot of missionaries in the other zones and now I get some new ones. We also live with a fresh new missionary that's being trained and he is pretty cool.  I like brand new missionaries because the are so eager to learn, well most of them anyways.  Well, this could potentially be my last area if I stay here a little while which is very likely. But I could still have another transfer, you never know. 

We have a very small ward but its good, we have a good bishop who is an awesome cook. I got to eat some bacon wrapped chicken my first day here that he cooked and then had some BBQ at the ward party and then he invited us over yesterday and cooked again.  It's impossible to loose weight these days haha! I've been unsuccessful at it since Thibodaux and that was because there was hardly any members to feed us since most were YSA and in college.

So, Genevieve, that is a long name!  (Genevieve Jade Ritchie was born August 4th to Luke and Rebecca) She's is cute though and it doesn't look like she has any of Luke's facial features so that's good :) especially for a girl.  Will she  have curly hair or straight?  That's cool that Rebecca's brother got to come visit before going into the MTC. what mission was he going to again was it Alabama or Mississippi?

Well, that's about all I've got, its going to be a busy week this week we have zone leader council in Baton Rouge Wednesday and then we go to the temple after and then we have a zone meeting Wednesday that me and my companion have to plan and put on. I've forgotten what it was like to be a zone leader and how many meetings there are, but I did get a good break to just work so I can't complain.

Well, that's about all I've got this week!
Love y'all
love elder Ritchie
oh my new address is: 1400 King Richard Blvd #237 Alexandria, LA 71303

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