Monday, August 27, 2012

Answers like flecks of gold

Sounds like you had an eventful week. That's really sad about Todd dying but that's really cool about Gandpa getting sealed to his parents. I was looking at the family search website and trying to figure out the Ritchie lines a while ago because grandpas dad wasn't sealed till 2005 so that was kinda surprising to see. Wish I could have been there for that one.
But we had an awesome week, I got to go explore Many and it was cool. It was all hills and trees and we were right close to the Texas border and you start to feel like your not in Louisiana anymore around there. Even here in Alexandria is alot different than I'm used to but its great.
So we had a lesson with Nick on Friday after he had just flown in from Omaha and we were talking to him about how it is going and he was still reading and praying but still unsure and the lesson was on the law of chastity which went really well and he said it made alot of sense and that he would live it but that he was still working on his answer and almost seemed sad that he hadn't got an answer yet because he has been working at it. So we talked to him about how answers come slow sometimes and that it like finding a ton of gold flecks instead of nuggets which are rare and uncommon. But on Sunday we were standing in the foyer or how ever that's spelled and Nick came and said I need to talk to you guys, and me and Elder Smith kinda looked at each other a little nervous and didn't know what to expect as we followed him to the relief society room but when we got in there he got a giant smile and so did I and he started to say after he read last night he prayed and asked if the Book of Mormon was true and if Joseph Smith was a prophet and if Thomas S Monson is the prophet and he said this feeling of extreme happiness came over him and he just smiled all night and couldn't sleep and he even called his girlfriend and had to tell her he said he was going to call us but it was too late so he had to wait till that morning. So he is really excited about getting baptized now and he was worried about what his family will think because they are Catholic but he said that everything usually works out for the better for him and that he knew it was true so it wouldn't matter and it would all work out and maybe they would be able to join. So that was an awesome miracle we were able to witness this week! He said he is working on a day to be baptized, he wants his girlfriend to be able to make it down here for it so he had to talk to her about that.
I'll try and get a picture of my boots, they are sweet! These computers don't let me put my pictures on them to send so I'll work on it.
Elder Ritchie

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