Monday, August 20, 2012

Speaking Southern

I like Alexandria  a lot! It is really different than alot of my other areas but its really treating me well. We have some really good investigators that have been a real blessing to work with. Nick is doing really well, he came to every session of stake conference, he was at priesthood and the adult session on Saturday and the stake president started talking to him after priesthood and asked him if he was and elder yet and he was like, no, I'm not a member and it kinda took the stake president by surprise. It was pretty funny. He also came to a baptism that was night before priesthood session for a lady that came back into the church and her grandson that got baptized. He went to more of the meetings than most members and he really seemed to like them. He is just working on getting a date picked for baptism and still continuing to get work on his answer, but he says he is pretty sure at this point.
Our other really solid investigator, Jen is also doing well and she came to the baptism and then the adult session and general session of stake conference. We had a lesson with her and her aunt who is the member and they made us tin foil dinners because they asked us what we hadn't had in a long time that we love and we started talking about camping food and we decided on tin foil dinners. And we also had dinner and entertainment, we had asked Jen and Sister Compton if they would be willing to teach us instead of us teaching them and they agreed, so Jen ended up making a power point on the restoration and then after tin foil dinners and peach cobbler we had them teach us. It was a really good learning experience for both of them and they said it made them learn alot because they had to prepare and really know it because we asked questions but they did really well and said they had a hard time covering such a big topic in such a short amount of time. ha ha! They said that it made them appreciate us a little more ha ha! We have alot of help with our preach my gospels and we get to do this all the time too.
We also had a lesson with some new investigators yesterday that actually just had their first baby a few days ago. the assistants spent the night with us after our zone conference on Friday and we had lesson so they just decided they wanted to go tract a little bit and they came across the family and set up a time for us to stop by. We went yesterday and taught them a lesson, well to the husband anyway, the wife was busy with the baby, but he seemed very interested and asked alot of good questions and said he really wanted to learn more and he was asking about the South Park play on Broadway ha ha, and he figured it wasn't really accurate.
Well I'm not going to lie, I'm not the greatest at making my bed, I have the top bunk right now and I struggle to make it but we are a pretty clean apartment and if not making a bed is the worst part about my apartment I think we are doing good.  (I have a friend who is a mission nurse in California and she writes that the missionaries apartments are terribly dirty, so I've been nagging from a distance - marie)  Well I got to go to Mississippi again this week and see more hills. We went to Natchez and it was sweet because its right on the border and the border is the Mississippi  River.  On the Louisisana side it's all flat and on the Mississippi side it's hilly and there are cliffs and it was cool because they  didn't even need a levy! On the Louisiana side you drive up on to the bridge and then over the river and the other side you can actually just drive straight onto the bridge and you can actually see out aways because of the lookouts over the river. I get so claustrophobic sometimes here just not being able to see anywhere and there are no land marks and if there were there are usually trees. But its not as bad here as it was in Denham, there are solid trees there and its still green as it gets here. It's been pretty dry this last week, we have had rain but not alot. It's actually in the 70s and 80s the last couple days so it has been really nice.
Well, I'm going on an exchange to Many (pronounced nanny with and m) Louisiana pronunciation is crazy!  Guess how this city is said "Natchitoches" (nack-a-dish)! And my speech is just getting more and more Southern. I said ax instead of ask the other day and didn't notice till my companion said something.  And I said are we going to go "make some groceries"!   It's finally getting to me!
Well that's all for this week
Love y'all
Love Elder Ritchie

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