Monday, August 13, 2012

A Super Busy Good Week

Hey, we had a really good week this week, it was super busy but really good.
We had a zone leader council Wednesday down in Baton Rouge  and then we went to Marksville the same night and got there at like 11 because our ZLC went till like 3 and then we did a temple session with all the zone leaders and president and his wife. We got out at 8 and then made the drive to Marksville and got there at 11ish. Then we worked there the next day with the elders there. Then on Friday me and my companion put on a zone training meeting where we instructed on what we learned in ZLC about the Book of Mormon and how to better use it.
We also had a couple really good lessons with Nick and he is doing really well. He has been reading and praying and says he is slowly getting his answer and that he thinks he is really close to baptism. we have also been teaching a girl named Jen that is doing well too. He and Nick were both at church and got to hear president and sister Wall give talks and they were awesome and just what they needed to hear. Sister Wall talked about talking a leap of faith and President talked about the Book of Mormon.  
Oh, so we had and NBC or ABC, can't remember which, but they came and did a story about a set of missionaries in our mission, one was one of my former companions Elder Curtis, it was pretty sweet from the sounds of it. They followed them tracking and teaching and doing service. They said the story should be out the end of this month or early next month so watch for it, hopefully the put in on the church website when it does come out.
Well that's about all I've got this week.
Love y'all
Love elder Ritchie

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