Tuesday, September 4, 2012

After the hurricane

Hello, sounds like a crazy week. That's good that nobody got hurt in your wreck mom and that it was just the trailer that took it all.
Well I experienced my first hurricane but we didn't really get hit at all it kinda missed us somehow. I'm not really sure but it sounds like down around New Orleans got hit pretty hard. We might get to go down with a clean up crew from our ward this weekend, we will go if they get a call so we are hoping that will happen. We were on lock down Wednesday and most of Thursday but it wasn't terrible, there are 4 of us in the apartment and then some other missionaries in our district came from Marksville because there apartment isn't in a great place and we are on the second floor. We hardly got any wind or rain when the hurricane passed over, we actually got more rain the day after.
Well everything is still going well with the investigators, Nick is still just working on a date, we showed him the prophet of the restoration movie last night..
Not a whole lot new down here though kind of a slower week because of the storm but our zone was really blessed to not get affected very bad.
Well, tell all the Sederbergs hi for me and that I wish I could be there for the funeral.  I'll sure miss seeing Aunt Brenda, she was a very special person.  You will have to tell Maria I make sure and look for her every time I watch the choir. I've found her in a couple videos like the pioneer day celebration.
Well I best be going, have a good week
Love y'all.
Love Elder Ritchie

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