Monday, September 17, 2012

Some things in September

We had another good week here, we haven't been down to La Place again but we are going to go this coming weekend. We couldn't get a ride down there this weekend because all out members went the week before.  
We found out Nick is planning on getting baptized in October now because of scheduling with his work and girl friend, so it will be the last week in October. 
We haven't been able to have a real lesson with Sherry and her daughter Jade because they got sick this weekend and had to cancel but we found out from the member that they are already talking about baptism and wanting to get baptized. The daughter has been going to seminary every morning and we decided to go play some early morning basketball today and poke our head in seminary and she was there again and she was paying attention! Her friend that is a member was saying that she loves seminary and is excited when they pick her up at 5 in the morning and the member was like  - how are you so excited!  We found out the mom actually has a testimony as well because we were talking to the members and they were telling us about the last time she was really investigating and she was really praying and she got an answer about it and then she was like, well I want the missionaries to come over today if its really true  - and she waited and waited and then 9 rolled around and nothing, but at like 9:15 there was a knock and the missionaries were there and she was super excited but said they would have to come back the next day and she would tell them why she was so excited. But she ran into some people that anti-ed her and talked bad about the church after so she kinda got away from it, but when she was talking to the members she was saying she wishes she would have stayed with it and gotten baptized. So the members were really excited to share that with us and in turn it made us really excited.
There are a couple other investigators we have where we have kinda hit a wall and were not sure where to go cause we have taught them everything and they are living basically everything just not sure if they want to join yet. But one of them just got to Alma and is still reading and praying but Eder Smith and I are convinced she has a testimony, she is just working on conversion which is good and she doesn't realize she has a testimony but when we had her teach us the restoration she taught it like she believed. She just had a really hard time with her feelings and especially expressing them, but it will come.
That's awesome Josh is wants to get his papers in by July, who knows maybe he will end up in the south too.
I'm still waiting for more pictures of Genevieve.... I get a book about my dogs and then I have a niece and i get like 5 pictures in an email....
Anyways, love ya
love elder ritchie

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