Monday, July 16, 2012

That Super Righteous Guy

We had a good week, one of our investigators who got in a car wreck and doesn't have a job got a free car so that was pretty cool. He has even been reading the Book of Mormon and knows this was a blessing so that's always good.

B. wasn't able to make it to church, she had to go back to the hospital and then she was staying in another town but she has read into Alma and says she knows its true but that it has just been really hard for her to make it to church. But she does have a testimony of the Book of Mormon so that is good.  She was asking about Melchizedek because of the blessing she received and she said she knew who he was and that he was a super righteous guy, but she was wondering why they said his name in the priesthood blessing she received, so we told her about it and it made perfect sense to her.
Well we didn't have anything really new happen this week just working with what we have.
Oh, I asked for a due date for the baby and still haven't heard one..... you people aren't very good with the question and answer thing.
Well, love y'all
Love Elder Ritchie

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