Monday, July 2, 2012

Drama in the district and on the stairs

Well, we still haven't been able to meet B. and she didn't make it to church.  Her friends and the people she is living with wouldn't let her go to church on Sunday and ended up taking her to the ER because she is supposed to have surgery next week. But she still wants to be baptized and is trying to make it.  She has read to Mosiah and loves it and she says she knows it is true. People just have to deal with so much adversity when they start investigating or after they join down here.  It just helps my testimony grow more and more because people attack the church when they know nothing about it and you can just see Satan behind it all so clearly and how he is pulling the strings and just getting people that don't have the truth to keep others from having it. But Satan can't win so its all good, just have to have patience and keep trusting in the Lord and it will all work out.
Well, we had a little drama in our district this week and we are now in a trio, one of the missionaries in our district is now in our companionship while he's waiting for a missionary that is actually from Mississippi that was doing a service mission in our office. He is going to serve a full transfer with Elder Gentry.
I'm not sure what we are doing for the fourth yet, just kind of another day as a missionary though. Last year it was on our preparation day so we played softball and grilled, that was the week after I almost broke may ankle though so I was a gimp and couldn't really play.
Remembering the ankle
So on Saturday we were leaving our apartment early in the morning to go help someone work on their house that is moving into the ward, and we walked outside and were about to go down the stair well and I saw a man passed out on the stairs. He was awake and his eyes were open and he was breathing but he was unresponsive, so we had to call the ambulance to come get him. We were pretty sure he had been there all night. He lives on the third floor he was on the stairs and they think that he fell. We were talking to some other people that live by us and he was not looking good the night before when they saw him out by his car.

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