Monday, July 9, 2012

Growing a Garden and the Gospel

Well, we had a rainy 4th of July so we didn't get much accomplished, it's been really rainy here which has been nice cause its been super hot but with the rain comes even worse humidity but it's nice while it rains. I don't know if I told you this, but we have a garden growing on our porch, we planted ghost peppers and bell peppers and peas and they are all growing! We even have a bell pepper that's almost ready to eat!
Well, we found three new people to work with last week that seemed really interested in learning more. It was the fiance of less active. He has been a member his whole, life just drifted from the gospel, but his sister's husband got baptized a year ago and they just got sealed so it has made him want to start coming back to church and get his fiance and her kids into it.  He was trying to explain the church to them and it was going over their head so we went and gave him a hand and they said it made alot of sense when we explained the restoration and the 20 year old daughter was really excited when we gave her a Book of Mormon. It's funny when we give people a Book of Mormon and they think they have to buy it from us and we are like no its yours, all you have to do is read it and pray about it.
We are also still trying to meet B. we sent missionaries to her in Baton Rouge to give her a blessing because she had surgery last Friday. She was very grateful and she said she is recovering better than expected and said it was because of the blessing. But we have yet to meet her so were still hoping this will be the week.
Well, that's about all I've got  love y'all have a good week!
Love Elder Ritchie
p.s. the first week of my mission I've heard from all my brothers at once...... did someone die or something??

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