Monday, July 23, 2012

Just another week in the trenches and swamps

Hey, sounds like things are busy there, I'm glad I dont' have to be there for the baby shower.  I'm sure Peter is soaking it all up for me, he is the one that loves that kind of stuff :)   Anyways, nothing really new this week just another week in the trenches and swamps of Louisiana.

We had an investigator committed to come to church, the one that just got a new car but Satan is clever and he saw the batman movie shooting on TV and he has social anxiety already and he said he just couldn't do it after seeing that. Brandy couldn't make it either were not really sure why. But Mallory was able to get a calling as the Young Women's secretary and she seemed really excited about that.  She was sad that she won't be able to make it to our scripture study class that we have been having because it is on the same night as Young Women's so we are going to have it an hour earlier so she can make it to that as well. It's a fun class, she has been our only faithful attender.  Occasionally we get other but she is always there.  We just read a few chapters and talk a little about them.  We have been in the Isaiah chapters and I always joke about skipping them and she always get mad at me and last week I taught the class and had two priests with me to help teach and my companion was out with another priest, because I had the priests I was able to skip out of Isaiah for the night ha ha!  This week we had the other Denham elders there and Elder Gentry, the one I trained in Baton Rouge a year ago sang a solo at the end of the class because we were talking about the ACapella group that I'm going to start when I get home and he is going to be lead singer.  I've drafted a few other singers and I'll manage it. It's jut a big joke because we were all such horrible singers but Mallory heard about it so she wanted him to sing something and after awhile we talked him into it :) I tried to film it but he wouldn't let me.  So I wanted to send it home so you could witness it for yourself... ha ha! Oh, I also have a couple other videos I need to send home, I have one of that alligator snapping turtle getting its head chopped off, that is pretty cool.

Well I don't really know what else to write, not a really eventful week, alot of rain! I'm going to miss the rain when I go home because it doesn't really rain in Idaho it sprinkles but it doesn't rain like here. You can have  six inches dropped on you in a couple of minutes and it's like someone is dumping buckets of water on you when you walk outside, it's sweet but then the humidity comes.  You know when your going to the ski hill and you stop at the gas station, or better yet Green Canyon and the windows are super foggy, well, it gets like that after it rains and then it gets hot  because it gets cold inside and so hot and humid out side its like the opposite of Green Canyon and when people wear glasses and go from inside to outside their glasses fog up... I think Idaho would be fine if they had just one of the storms we get here because it would give it a year supply of water in one storm.  I can only imagine if all that rain we get down here was snow instead, that would be cool, there would be like 30 feet!
anyways, love y'all
love, Elder Ritchie

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