Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Proud Ionian

OK Mom, I will have to start telling people I'm from Iona except our address is an Idaho Falls address.  But I'll be a proud Iona missionary for you!  (Elder Packer told a story in our regional conferance about President Kimball encouraging an Idaho missionary to tell everyone his home town with pride.)
 I found out I'm staying in Denham another transfer, transfer calls were last night so I felt pretty safe but while I was writing this, the president gave us a call so I thought I was gonna have to start packing, but he just ended up giving us someone to stop by and see. So, false alarm! 
Well, its been super hot this past week. It's been in the high 90's with signs of a hot summer coming.  We had a really big thunderstorm last night that cooled things down a little for now but that just means when it warms up it's going to be even more humid.  It's hard to breathe sometimes after it rains because it gets so humid, last summer it felt like it was foggy all the time because the air is so dense with humidity and it sticks to you.  You have to use the defogger in the car all the time and it doesn't work very well.
We had a good week this week, we have been able to set up a lot of dinner appointments with members. We taught a new investigator yesterday that we were able to find because we talked to the bishopric and they gave us a long list of people to see and track down.  The one we tried to see didn't live there anymore but we were able to talk to the woman that lived there and she was curious about what we believed and told us to come back by so we went over yesterday and taught her the restoration and she thought it made sense and she even invited herself to church, which is usually a very good sign. We have another lesson on Wednesday with her to so we are pretty excited.  We haven't been able to find too many new people lately, mostly just less active work.
Oh yeah, I forgot it's Mothers Day already, feels like it was just last month we had Christmas. I have a package I'm sending with some stuff in it I think you'll like.  Sunday I'll probably call around 6 here so 5ish there.
So Dillon is gone again! Nice! Did they say whether or not he would just do another year or make up some of what he missed? I think we have had missionaries do both in our mission. (Sam's friend Dillon is returning to his mission after six months home with a back problem).
Well that's about all I've got this week.
Love y'all,
Elder Ritchie

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