Monday, April 30, 2012

Wanna join Sam's Club?

Our week was a little slower this week, we ran out of miles for the month basically so it included a lot of biking and our area is not bike friendly. So it's been a little more difficult to do stuff, but it's a new month tomorrow.
The biking did have its benefits though, we had to stop at Walmart to pick up some chain lube and while we were in there a Sam's Club lady stopped us and started talking to us about a Sam's club membership and trying to get us to join, but then she realized we were missionaries and kinda started asking what we do and why we were doing it. So, we told her a little bit about what we do and talked to her about what she did and it was kind of like what we do except not with the gospel. She would talk to a lot of people and some were super nice and others not so much. We ended up getting her info and we set up a time to meet, but she was telling us that we can't come to her house because of the people she lives with.  So we are going to meet in the park tomorrow. We also have a lesson with a family tomorrow that is super interested but they don't live in our area so we have to turn them over to the other missionaries that we live with.
Well, next week is transfer week again so who knows whats going to happen.  I still can't believe it's been almost six weeks since I left my last area, time is flying and I still don't even know Denham Springs very well. Mostly because there are a lot more members in the area than I'm used to. Hopefully I get to spend some more time here, but I can never tell what the president and the Lord are going to come up with, haha!  But I know I've been where I've needed to be thus far so whatever happens, happens.
Well, that's all for this week love you!
Love, Elder Ritchie

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