Monday, April 23, 2012

Get your profile done!

Well, we had a bit of a slower week this week, literally, we were super low on miles for the month and there is still alot of days left, so we did alot of biking and found out how spread out are area is. There are no shoulders or ditches by the roads so it makes it hard to get around on a bike. We don't actually live in our area, we live like three miles from our area boundary.

Sharing Jerky from Home

But we were able to have some good lessons with some returning members. We had one with M., at the previous lesson I thought it would be cool to give her a plan of salvation pamphlet and see if she would teach it to us. She was up for it and did a really good job. She found some other stuff to read as well and learned a lot. She said it made alot more sense especially learning about the spirit world because others will be given the chance to hear the gospel. She has had friends say that every one in Africa and Asia that aren't Christian are going to hell so we showed her 1 Peter 3:18-20 and 4:6, some of my personal favorites, because they talk about the spirit word and that's out biggest scripture reference for that doctrine and it comes straight from the KJV Bible so it helps alot of people start to see the bigger picture or the over lying plan to everything.  M. even came to our ward this week, when she would go to church she would always go to her parents ward "the pride ward" (actual name by the way haha) and the previous missionaries said that it's probably not smart to invite her to come to the Denham ward but the lesson was so good and she was definitely feeling the spirit. At the end it just hit me to ask her to come and it was probably the most blunt commitment I've ever made, I just basically said we had one thing we wanted to ask you, will you come to the Denham 1st ward and said we need you (not lying about that either our gospel principles class is pretty vacant at the moment because alot of the new members have started to attend temple prep so its the good kind of empty).  She was just like,"Yes I will, I knew that was gonna come up and I know I need to grow up and start going there", so it was pretty cool because she has had some major concerns with that in the past because of her history of growing up in the Denham ward and it didn't phase her when it came up.
We also were invited to sit in on the Aaronic priesthood lesson by the bishop because the bishopric was teaching out of Preach My Gospel to get the kids focused on the temple and going on missions. I wish it was something I would have been able to do because I'd heard alot about Preach My Gospel before I came out but no one ever explained what was in it and I tried to read it but didn't get much out of it.  The bishop just talked about his mission and how he decided to go and asked us some of the similar questions and we kinda talked about what we do and why were were out here.  It was really cool because they gave all the young men a Preach My Gospel so they can start finding out what it is now whether they are a priest or a deacon. Make sure Josh has one and since he's so smart since I left, tell him I expect him to read it because I didn't really know what missionaries did before I came, I'd heard they knocked on doors and taught people but that's about it... and that isn't really the big part of missionary work! So get him one and have him read the first chapter and write me about it to see what he comes up with!!
Oh mom, FHE activity or something to get the ward to do is to get on to and create a profile.  You need to do it and have everyone else do it too, and if I'm ever teaching people I could show 'em my family members! Get everyone in on it too cause is pretty sweet it's an awesome tool.   They have some sweet videos on there too and some cool people like Brandon Flowers the lead singer for the Killers, Jeremy Jones, an old school pro snowboarder, and K Fed, a pro skate boarder.  So, get on and make a profile, it just takes a couple minutes especially if you have an account. and you can post your profile on line or one of the videos.

Oh, we enhanced our coldrank tower, we made it an arch haha! and we even added a key stone :) haha! 

Book of Mormon Cornerstone

The Coldrank Tower becomes an Arch

Well, that's about all I've got this week!
Love you all,
Love Elder Ritchie

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