Monday, April 2, 2012

General Conferance in Denham Springs

New address:
2630 Kelli Dr. #C3
Denham Springs, LA
So I got to my new area this week and I'm a normal missionary now :) no more zone leader for now!  I'm still a district leader but I'm shooting for junior companion haha!
The new area is really cool so far, probably the best functioning ward I've been in down here and the most like a home ward but with alot of part member families. I still haven't been to church yet since it was conference so I will have to wait and find out for sure.
We had a pretty good weekend, we had a returning member at conference in all the sessions and we had her think of questions that she had and she said all of them were answered and she was just really happy afterward. She is in her mid 20's and just trying to find her way back. She is trying to find out if this is really what she wants and trying to find out how she can get closer to God. She wants us to start teaching her the lessons but I think we will try and get her a Preach My Gospel and have her teach us the lessons, learning by faith! haha! We also had a less active show up randomly to Saturday's afternoon session and we were able to talk to her and she wants to start coming back to church. She grew up in Salt Lake and moved down here a few years ago. Her husband is not a member and has been asking questions and he came to the Sunday afternoon session and we set up a time to stop by to see them. So, it was a pretty awesome week. 
I'm living with Elder Gentry, a missionary I trained back in Baton Rouge and it has been awesome to be around him because he is a completely different person. He's changed and is outgoing and not shy at all. He is the senior companion. Oh, I think I'll make him start doing all my district leader stuff so I can tell president that he's ready to be a district leader, haha!  My new companion is Elder Hausladen from California and he is cool super chill, we get along really well. I'm going to miss Thibodaux though, it was alot of fun and we had some awesome things going but Elder Curtis ended up staying there which made me happy because it didn't get double transferred after all.  We got the call on transfer day right before we headed up to Baton Rouge that he was staying, so we already said our goodbyes to everyone.  
I'm super excited for this area, its going to be alot of fun. It's weird because it borders my Baton Rouge area but is completely different. Baton Rouge was the hood and this place feels like the Hamptons of Louisiana. 
Have a great week,
Love, Elder Ritchie

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