Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Of Food And Miracles

Hey y'all,

I've decided I don't like my new area! It's too awesome and the members feed us way to much! Haha!  We had an awesome week this week. We have been trying to get to know everyone in our ward and get out and visit them. We've been to many crayfish boils and we are the official food waste disposals of our ward Everyone always has food for us. The young women had a jambalaya sale to raise money for girl's camp and of course they got the missionaries six plates and then we found out we had to take home  all the leftovers too. And that was the same day we got invited to the crayfish boil at the bishops! ha ha! I've got food coming out my eyes! All my efforts in Thibodaux of getting back into shape are going to waste!

Crayfish Boil before being boiled

But food is an awesome way to meet people. The bishop had a bunch of non members at his boil and we have been able to sit down with alot of less actives and part member families and get to know them. We had a bunch of meetings yesterday that went really well. When  Elder Clarke of the Seventy came, he gave us a ton of ways to find people by going to all the priesthood and auxiliary leaders and getting assignments from them and then just go down the pecking order to their counselors and pretty much just get on everyone's good side.

On Thursday we got a call from our bishop telling us that he received a call from a member who had a daughter who wasn't a member that had just moved here and that she was ready for the missionaries to come over. So we got the number and gave her a call and she told us to stop by. So we did and ended up just talking to her for a couple minutes and she told us her story and then began to tell us how badly she wanted to grow closer to God right now and that she and her kids needed church in their lives and that she wanted to join our church. She has had dreams of her brother that has passed on and she talked to him and asked him what the Big Guy on the other side was like, and then he told her that he hadn't met Him yet and that he was waiting with everyone to meet Him and that we would all meet Him at the same time and that he was in a place called the spirit world. She said as soon as she found out that we believe that, she knew that she needed to join. So that was a pretty big miracle!
We have another family on the horizon that a recent convert family is working with. They told us about the family and have been trying to set a time we could meet with them.  They are already super curious about the church and the wife has been following a member's blog and really loved everything that she was reading. So, it's been an exceptional couple of days.

We also have had alot of success working with less-actives. There is one named D. that we have been working with who is 27 and has a kid on the way. He kinda got lost as a teenager but he has been able to get the spirit back in his life and is praying and has come out teaching with us and even got up and bore his testimony yesterday.  Then a lady got up after him and said that his testimony really touched her so I think that was another help to him. We are working with a girl named M. who has been getting back into the gospel and she has been full of questions and is willing to find them out on her own, which is really sweet because she is learning by faith and treasuring the scriptures. And then there is E. as well, the one who came to conference randomly.  We actually just found out about her back story.  She was really lost and down and was praying to be lead to missionaries and was driving not knowing where to go but she was lead to the church and there just happened to be the four of us there watching the Saturday afternoon session of conference. She just sat down and started to watch. We talked to her afterward and she told us she was from Salt Lake and had grown up in the church, went to seminary all four years but after she graduated she moved down here and stopped going. She is married to a nonmember and pregnant and really felt like something was missing. She asked for a blessing and we asked if we could come by and we started teaching her husband. Well, E. has been doing much better, she was able to sit down with the bishop yesterday and get to know him and let him know everything that was going on in her life and how she feels alot more peace in her life since that day she came into the church. So, that's another miracle we have been able to see! It's been nice not being in so many meeting and on exchanges as a zone leader every week!

But that's just a few of the things going on here. OH, AND MOM, no more telling me how many days I have left! THAT IS NOT ALLOWED!

We are still working on our fireside, we haven't had much time for it yet so its still in the very beginning stages. But we do have a sweet "Meet the Mormons" meeting coming up, kinda like a Mormon 101, just some info about the infamous "Mormons" haha! Some people have the craziest ideas about us down here.  I've heard just about everything. I've had alot of people think we are the same thing as the Amish or Mennonites and that we don't believe in technology. It's alot of fun just telling people who and what we are and sometimes bringing down some of those crazy rumors.
Well, I'm gonna try and send some pictures today, hopefully it works.
Well till next week,

Love ya, bye!

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