Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Good things come after a flood!

Hey, so I never know what to write after I just talked to you so I'll keep it short I guess.  We had a really good week, we were able to find some new investigators, one called our mission president and said that he needed some support and help with everything he was going through. He has been out of a job and needed God.  So we have had a couple lessons with him and he is really thinking about baptism and if he is ready to make that kind of commitment in his life. 

We also started meeting with K. and her friend K. last Monday and taught them the restoration and gave her a Book of Mormon and when we came back two days later she had read the first couple chapters and started telling us about  how Nephi killed Laban and took the brass plates back to the wilderness.  She had also read a pamphlet we left with her and she said she wanted to still do the questions on the pamphlet and look up all the scriptures. She has been doing really well!  Her friend K. sat in on a lesson and he was interested too.  We are going to meet with them both again tomorrow.  Hopefully we can get them to church this next Sunday, they said they wanted to come yesterday but they weren't able to make it.

We moved apartments early this morning. We took our beds and couch to the new place a couple miles down the road. We actually live in our own area now which is going to be really nice and the members are excited because they won't have to drive so far to go out teaching with us or to pick us up for stuff. I think it will be a lot better for the work because it will give us more time and we will be able to focus more with only two of us in an apartment.

Well I can't think of a whole lot else that I can tell you that I didn't tell you yesterday. I think I told you about flooding the apartment before we even lived there. That was a pretty funny experience to have a couple of inches of water in your brand new apartment but we got it all fixed we just happened to open the vacuum right before and sucked the water and dumped it in the sink.

Well I think that's all!

Love you all !
Love, Elder Ritchie 

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