Monday, May 21, 2012

Fishers of Men and Perch

Hey Family,
Had a good week this week! Found someone new to work with that has actually been to church the past two months. He is a member's friend and he says he likes it much better than the Catholic church he usually goes to, especially the testimony meetings and how you don't have to knee down over and over again. He graduated the year after me and his member friend graduated the same year as me.  They remind me of how Peter and Dylan are always together. He said he wants to keep coming to church and that ever since he started coming, his mom who is going through chemo therapy has been doing really good.
I got to go fishing for the first time on my mission this week. A member of the bishopric has a pond right behind his house and he invited us over and we threw the cast net out and caught some little perch. So I finally got to fish a little bit.
Our other investigator named K. has been doing pretty good, she hasn't made it to church but the last time we were over there she had read to 1 Nephi 9 and said she was learning a lot about faith.
We also had a really spiritual lesson with M. this week, she is the one that has been coming back to church. We talked with her about faith and repentance and she was able to open up and describe how she has been able to feel happy again. Over the past couple of months she has been coming back to church she has been able to feel like all the problems of her past have been erased. She said she struggled with organized religion for a long time but now she was able to feel what it was all about and know that God was really there and that he loves us. She then went on to tell us about how she is just worried about her younger brother and how he is where she was not to long ago and how she wants to help him and his wife to feel what she has felt.  She was curious to what the best way to help him out was, so we just told her that prayer and being an example to him is the  very best thing to do if he doesn't want to listen.  She said that being and example has already helped because he commented on how she is so much happier than she used to be and she was able to tell him  little bit about why.
Anyways, that's just a little of whats going on down here.
It was good to talk to you all last week.
love y'all,
Love Elder Ritchie

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