Saturday, July 2, 2011

A letter for ya'll

Dear family,

Hey everything is going good down here. We had a really awesome week. Oh Dad, Hapy Fahter's day a couple of weeks ago. I've been so busy on my P-days I haven't had time to write. And thanks for the birthday package, I play with that green pop thing with the face and the hair all the time. The assistants to the president were here a couple of days ago and were playing with it.

We get our new president this week then next week he is going around the mission to meet everyone. It's going to be hard to replace President Woods, but I know he will do just as good of a job.

OK, so we were driving a Mazda 3 for a while but then we talked the office elders into letting us drive one of the brand new Ford Fusions. It had 12 miles on it when we got it. We named her Leila.

But we are doing really good this week. My companion and I get along really well. So has rogueing started? Who all is doing it this year? Mom, I've gone 3 or 4 weeks without soda now (he went soda free for nearly a year and was always telling me I could never do it - I'm four months now).

I got a letter from the Cantrell/Gougon family down in Chalmettte and they sound like they are still doing great, still loving church and hanging out around missionaries. And they told me Jamie G. (that got baptized the week after I left) is doing really good as well. I think they said they awere all reading my blog so tell them I miss them and I say hello!

I hit my four month mark a few days ago, its hard to believe I've been out that long. I still can't believe Collin is in Argetina and Dillon leaves the MTC Monday. I hope he's ready for the cuture shock... I know it was weird for me and I'm still speaking Engilish (kinda), same country (kinda), and I was only in the MTC for three weeks not two months. Well, thanks for everything! I miss ya'll.

Love Elder Ritchie

PS I still don't say ya'll and I never will!

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