Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sprained Ankle and Pictures!

I sprained my ankle playing basketball pretty good on Monday and I can hardly walk right now and it's all swollen and all black, it looks gross. I had to rip up a T-shirt to wrap it up for a day. Hopefully it gets better cause I can hardly walk and the new mision president gets here tommorrow or Friday.

We went to a baptism last night, President Woods baptized a man from China. It was really good! We got D. there and he loved it. It was good to see the President get a baptism in his last weeks too. Oh, and afterward he came over to me and put his arm around me and asked me if I was ready, and my gut just dropped and I said for what, and he told me I'm going to be training this next tranfer most likely and if not this one the next one. So I'm kinda nervous about that but it will be cool having someone that doesn't know anything.

Make sure I have enough on my debit card, send me an email with the amount every once in a while just so I know cause I need to take 50 dollars out for emergencies like hurricanes. Everything is going good other than I can't walk!

Some pictures for you!

The Cantrell Family in Chalmette. Sam's first experience tracting and first baptisms.

Sam at the Baton Rouge Temple

Sam and companion in Chalmette just before being transferred to Baton Rouge

Note from the Mom: I saw this picture on Tammy's facebook page and commented on the lighting, she told me that "It's God's light!"

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