Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy Fathers Day yesterday dad!! I don't get why we call on Mothers Day and not Fathers Day... doesn't make a whole lot of sense.. but I think it's because in the scriptures when Lehi is so calm when his sons were gone and Sariah was freaking out and murmuring (nagging) haha!

We had kind of a rough week this week, we had some really good lessons but decided everyone with a baptismal date needed to kind of start fresh so we took away all their dates except D. from Iran is still comming along really great. He is loving it! We just have to see when his family will get back from vacation in Iran because he said they will want to be baptized with him... We are still working with most of the rest them but just gonna have to wait some time.. We were really hoping to baptize P. this comming Saturday but he hasn't come to church enough. I think another lady we were teaching in Chalmette got baptized last Saturday, I talked to President Woods in an interview at the mini-going-away zone confrence we had for him and he said she was turned in and it looked like everything was going to go smoothly but I havent heard yet.

I'm going golfing with the office elders today so we will have them find out (one of them is Elder Murphey from IF). tell both grandmas and grandpa thanks for the birthday cards and if you write a letter sometime I could use some stamps.

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