Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Now he's 20!

Yeah, i got my birthday package. It was good, I like the jerky its keeping me awake while i study. I've been reading Jesus the Christ and I'm about 200 pages in and nothing puts me to sleep better than that. I read it for a half an hour and the Book of Mormon another half an hour and it make reading the Book of Mormon so much easier cause it uses such big words. But i understand its a lot better than i thought i was going to. I finished the Book of Mormon for the second time while on my mission two weeks ago and now I'm going slow through Nephi to get a little more in depth. Oone cool thing I really liked was the scripture in 1 Nephi chapter 2 where it says "and my father dwelt in a tent" i kept trying to think of why he would put that in there it was kind of a lame scripture but the more i thought about it the more it made sense to me that he put that in there because they came from riches and were from the sounds of it a very well off family and then they left to the wilderness and had nothing but a tent. And that scripture just shows the obedience and humility of Lehi because he was so willing to leave and dwell in a tent.. reminds me of dad. He would be willing to give up his house and go dwell in his tent.

Well everything has been going really good here in Baton Rouge, we had a stake conference this Sunday and it was really cool to be around that many people that were members and not missionaries. It felt kind of weird though because that was the most white people in one place I've seen in a while... oh we got lost on my birthday it was a cool vacation, we missed our exit and ended up on your side of the Mississippi in Port Allen haha which is out of our zone... oops, I wasn't driving so I was just laughing the whole time. It's cool going up on the bridges because they are so tall and it's one of the only times you get to actually see the city.

We are still meeting with D. our investigator from Iran and he is loving the church! He has been meeting with the Jehovah's Witnesses for a couple years now and he said it was good cause he got to learn about Jesus because he is new to Christianity.
But he said he knew it wasn't really what he wanted and it was his first step to being a part of our church. He had a date to be baptized in July but he want to wait for his family to get back from vacation in Iran so they can be baptized with him because he has been telling them all about it over skype. But i was thinking the other day and we might bring this up him getting baptized before they get home so he can baptize them when they get here, I think that would be sweet.. well that about all I got today but tell Collin good luck for me and that he can do it and its worth it!

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