Monday, July 18, 2011

A Baptism and guess who's a district leader & trainer

So D's. baptism went awesome! We had a member that was involved in the teaching baptize him, we thought it would help him get better fellowshiped in the ward and then my companion, Elder Robbins confirmed him and I gave him the priesthood.. It was good and he loved it. We were scared at the baptism though because he wasn't there at 7 like we had planned. We called him and he had gone to the other church on the south side because we took him there to watch a different baptism and so he went there instead. He eventually made it but it was kinda nice that he was late because our new mission president came and taught him with us and we had him do the baptismal interview and we invited him to the baptism and he said he wouldn't miss it. But the mission president, being new, put it in his GPS and it took him to the wrong Winbourne Street.. so he called right after D. finally arrived and said he was going to be late too. So they both eventually made it and then the baptism was a go!

So some other news, my companion and I have been doing pretty good here in North Baton Rouge and we got a call last week and found out that my companion got called to be a zone leader down on the West Bank! And so that means I'm getting another new companion... and when I say new, I'm talking fresh new and green... haha! So I'm going to be training. I'm kinda nervous for that, and I got called to be district leader on top of that so my hopes of going junior companion my whole mission are kinda foiled.... oh well..

So why was Josh passing out??? heat stoke or allergies or what? Maybe depression from missing his favorite crew boss?

Well it's good they liked the talk (I read some of Sam's letters as a talk in Sacrament meeting this past week). I'm sure a lot of it wasn't my writing though haha... But yeah, my ankle is doing better, I'm walking with out the brace, I still have to be careful with it but its getting a little stronger... and its back to normal color for the most part.. and i can finally fit it in the sweet loafers that I bought at a the thrift store..

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