Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's not easy being a district leader and a trainer


My companions name is Elder Gentry from Lovelock, Nevada. He's a good kid, he's really shy so I get to do all the teaching. I'm trying to slowly work him in, I had him start the lesson last night and do the soft commit and then a prayer, it went pretty good haha! It was with D. and he is getting baptized this Saturday so it was pretty straight forward cause he loves what he's hearing.

It's different being the experienced one, it's really opened my eyes to how much I've learned. I've read the Book of Mormon 3 times since I've been out and I feel like my teaching from it is doing pretty good and my teaching in general is really coming along. There are only 2 other missionaries in our district from new roads on the other side of the Mississippi and one of them is one of my favorite missionaries out here. But he and his companion aren't getting along as well as they should, so I get to talk to them about it. They just don't agree on some of the small things... and one is older but is the junior comp and only on his second transfer but he tries to run the show.

We had a baptism this Saturday, a man named W. and we have another coming up this Saturday for a man named D. and then the next week we have a family of three scheduled for baptism, so keep them in your prayers!

I gotta go, love ya, bye!

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