Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Late because of Memorial Day

Hey, I don't think I'll get transferred this week but I just don't know. It sounds like the whole mission might get shaken up this transfer just in time for the new mission president.. But I don't know when you should send a birthday package, I would wait till next week and then I'll be able to tel you if I'm still going to be here or not.

It got up to 103 degrees today. It's hot! But its bearable. I guess I'm just getting used to the area.

We are teaching more people from out of the country than Americans. We are teaching a guy from Iran who just finished the Book of Mormon and a family from Sudan and a guy from Vietnam. It's hard but I think we are doing pretty good considering they know hardly any English. The guy from Iran owns a rug store and he makes really nice Persian rugs, we just committed him for baptism on the 25th. He's kinda lonely right now because his family is visiting Iran for the summer but he wants us to teach them when they get back so they can all come to church together.

We have had some really awesome things happen this last week but I don't have time to talk about them because its not preparation day, the library was closed yesterday for memorial day so i gotta write while on dinner break.

That's cool that the parking lot at Kelly's Canyon collapsed haha, maybe the rest of the mountain will change shape and make it more of an expert mountain.. haha yeah right..anyways I'll write more next Tuesday cause I don't have a lot of time right now..

anyways love ya

elder ritchie

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