Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Email after Mother's Day Call

hey again,
It feels like i talked to you just yesterday... oh, it was! this week was kinda slow compared to the last couple i think people aren't as nice when the weather starts to get hot. It's still in the 80's most days but I'm pretty sure we got above 90 yesterday. But its been rain free for two weeks and everyone is complaining about a drought. It's probably good there hasn't been rain because the water is really high on the levee. Haha, I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "i drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was gone", made me laugh a little cause it was funny but after talking to sooo many people about loosing everything, not so funny anymore. I saw an epic lizard fight while door tracting the other day and i got it on video, I'll try and send it to you next week to see it and see if you can put it on the blog, it was hilarious they just circled each other for a couple minutes then it went down.

Our investigators are going through some rough times right now they can't stay on the path, they keep going back to their old ways and then they will come back to us and then they will go back to their old ways again so we are trying to help them as best we can, but it all comes down to their desire. We have met some other good people that are really interested but they all have been out of town and we haven't got to see them. So we are hoping we get to see them this week.

Love Elder Ritchie

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