Thursday, May 19, 2011

Surprise Transfer

Hey, I got transfered, I'm in Baton Rougue North now!

I spent all of Monday on the transfer van from 8 in the morning to 6 at night because we had to make a bunch of stops and pick and drop people off.. but i had to come up here because we had 5 missionaries who were waiting for visas get them and leave the country, so they are all leaving. So they sent me up here since we had four missionaries where i was and it can be run by 2.

I'm sad i had to leave chalmette i loved it there.. but i have had harldly any time to be in my new area because of riding the van and we had zone confrence yesterday. It's not going to flood here but we drove through some areas that were just starting to flood since they opened the Morganza spill way. It hasn't been opened in 40 years and poeple built their houses in the spill way and flood plain so it is going to flood them out. The area I'm in now is a good area, it's not New Orleans but I'll get used to it.. I wasnt expecting to get transferred at all, we were just having a normal day and then we got a call from president saying elder crane and I were getting transfered out of chalmette.

My new address is:

11999 Longridge Ave. #1105
Baton Rouge LA 70816

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