Monday, May 23, 2011

More on Baton Rouge

Yep, I got transfered and nope, wasn't expecting it, at all. Tranfers weren't even supposed to be for another 3 weeks and then we got a call out of the blue from the president.

Well, you will have to stay in touch with my families for me and tell them I'll miss em, but I'm gonna try and write them. They weren't excited I was leaving at all, especially little Chelsie.. but they were doing really really good so I hope everything keeps going smooth for them. I found out they are kind of a legendary family around the mission because it was my first door I had ever tracted and our first contact after getting double transfered into a newly opened area and they are SO solid and they wanted everyone they know to have the gospel. They were sharing it with everyone and have found a bunch of family and friends for us to teach. Not to metion they lived on Ledend drive, haha.

But we are teaching a bunch of people up here. We are teaching a refugee family from right below Nepal how to speak English and a little bit about the gospel.. we are also teaching a man name Richard who is really nice and super humble. We found a new investigator the other day though that looks really promising and we gave her a Book of Mormon and I talked to her the next day and said she really like it so far. We have quite a few people with baptisimal dates up here but I'm not sure how many are actively pursueing it.

I don't think I need anything for my birthday and its right after transfers so I wouldn't send a package for a couple days after so I can be sure of were I'm going to be because I dont know if im gonna stay here or get moved just yet.. haha anything is possible.

It's different here in Baton Rouge, it's not as nice as Chalmette, even though Chalmette was destroyed they are building it up nice. Here there are alot more poor people in big apartment complexes that are really run down but it's nice to be in a somewhat normal ward again haha! There is actaully a normal church building and not just a multi cultural room that acts as the chapel that gets split into gospel doctrine gospel principles class and the priesthood and relief society. I got a new companion and he reminds me of Brock Byington so much they could be brothers. Our apartment is the nicest one in the mission. It's huge with 2 nice bathrooms and it's just down the street from the mission office. We live with two Spanish missionaries, one is from Preston.

We had kinda a slow week though we had a hard time getting people to meet with us, but we did have a really good sunday to make up for the week.

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