Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Sunday

Hey y'all!
Everything is still going well down, it's been really nice weather it feels like summer down here. It got up to 80 a couple days ago and yesterday it stayed in the mid 70s and was sunny. I think I might have got a little tan.  So I hear there was a power outage at the super bowl haha! That's so typical of New Orleans.  But, go Ravens!  I wore a purple tie yesterday just cause I knew y'all were probably going for the 49ers haha! But it was Ray Lewis's last sesson, gotta go for him and the older brother head coach too.. he let his brother come back a little towards the end from the sound of it.
But it has been a good week, we have still been working with the Sapp family especially Haylee and Hayden they are planning on getting baptized on the 16th so I'm pumped, I'll still get to be here for that.  Then we have another 10 year-old that is going to get baptized the 2nd of March. So the work is going well down here, maybe the Lord's peparing me to be a primary teacher of something. I started the Book of Mormon 2 weeks ago for my last transfer, I've had to read super fast cause they cut me a week short but I'm on the last chapter of Alma so I'm looking golden to finish in time.
So how did Pete break his collar bone this time? Was he doing something cool or did he just fall??
We had a 41 year old lady die in our ward this week she wasn't very active, the family got offended and doesn't come very often but it was a very sad day at church because there are a lot of her relatives in our ward and surrounding wards. I got to see a bunch of people from the Alexandria ward that were related to her. Her funeral is at 4 today so we are gonna go to that.
Well, I best be going, but have a great week.

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