Monday, January 28, 2013

Having fun doing the Work

Hey Dad, no more financial clerk!  Thats good, that seems like it would be a rough job because you don't get to be involves in church a whole lot, always worrying about numbers and reports and stuff. Nothing beats being a missionary though,  you get involved in a little bit of it all. It will be weird to go home and not have as much responsibility. Tell the bishop he will have to give me a calling when I get back so I can keep busy. It's good to hear grandpa is doing well, hopefully that's all behind him.

Well, things are doing really great down here, there are a lot of great people we are working with and we are having fun doing it. That's one thing our mission president emphasises is that we have fun with the work. We are teaching a couple nine year olds so we are making a worksheet that they can fill out when they watch the restoration dvd and we tied one of them up with a tie a little while a go to represent spiritutal bondage and then we taught him how to be set free through the atonement.

Well I better get going, have a great week!
love elder ritchie

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