Monday, January 7, 2013

Starting the new year with a baptism

We had a good weekend, the baptism went really well! There were alot of members there to support Reda and she was welcomed with open arms at church too. The bishop gave a really good welcome to the ward talk at the baptism and Reda was front and center soaking it all up and even started tearing up and she even got up and bore her testimony Sunday. It was a solid testimony of the Book of Mormon and the church, she finished the Book of Mormon not to long ago and has been in the doctrine and covenants and really likes that too. Oh, I sent my package home with the Densons so it should be up there soon.
We have our meeting with Elder Packer this week down in Baton Rouge so I'm going to try and stop by Darius the Iranian's place and say hi. Hpefully I'll be able to see him, it's been like a year and a half since I've seen him, my president has been keeping me updated on him a little because they go to the same gym in Baton Rouge.
 Anyways, that all I've got this week, talk to you later.
love elder ritchie

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