Monday, February 11, 2013

Going Down Fighting!

Well, we had a good week, we went to Natchez we had some baptismal interviews to do out there then we drove to Baton Rouge for ZLC and then we had to put on a Zone training meeting Friday, so it was a busy week.  We had some good lesson with the Sapps, they were suposed to get baptized this coming Saturday but all of the bishopric is going to be out of town so they had to move it to the next Saturday. I'm pretty bummed I'm gonnna have to miss it, I knew that week they cut off my mission would come back and bite me. But it will be good because Brother Sapp is going to be able to baptize them so he is really excited about that.

Well, I think I'm geared up for my last week and ready to go down fighting. I'm trying to find some of the good roux mix to make a gumbo when I get back, I'll send a package with some when I find it it is harder to find here because it's not Cajun like my other areas.  To bad I can't afford to send home some crawfish, they are just starting to get in season. But we will have to do gumbo for my homecoming and potato salad.

Well, have a good week!

Love y'all,
Love, elder ritchie

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