Monday, February 18, 2013

A last note.....

No letter today, I'm sure Elder Ritchie is busy making last minute good-byes. Here is a text message that I received this morning from a family in Leesville:

I know you will see your son very soon but I wanted to thank you for sharing him with us for a while. He always brings the spirit with him to our home and I really appreciate that! This picture was taken Saturday when he and his companion were at our house for dinner. Thanks again. Blakley family

PS. I'm not sure if anyone but my mother reads this blog, but if you do, thank you. It has been fun posting all these letters and watching my son grow so much over the past two years.

He reports his mission this Sunday, February 24th at 12:30 in the Iona Second Ward.

Y'all are invited over to our home afterward! ~ marie

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