Monday, October 1, 2012

Louisiana Friday Night Lights

Hey, we had a great week this week we were down in Baton Rouge Wednesday for some meetings. We were able to go to the homecoming parade for the high school here because Jade was marching in it, she is on the flag team with a couple other members so we went and watched it with Sherry, her mom, and some other the members parents. We also got to go to the homecoming game on Friday night because Jade was performing there also and Sherry wanted us to come, it was really weird to be at a high school game again, I haven't been to one in about 4 years and it just made me realize how immature high school kids are especially down here and none of them have a whole lot of standards. But it was a good experience to spend time with Sherry and get to see Jade preform. Jade and Sherry and Nick and Jen were all at church on Sunday so they are all doing well and making progress.
We had another lesson with Nick on Lehi's dream and then we talked to him about his baptism and he is still looking good for the 27th and is telling everyone about it.
A bit of sad news, we just found out that one of the missionaries that served here, Elder Christian Terry, just got in a wreck in Salt Lake on Friday and is in the ICU and in a medically induced coma and has 3rd degree burns. He was one of my good friends, he was a Spanish missionary that I got to spend alot of time with. Je has been home for about 4 months so keep him in your prayers.
Anyways, have a good week!

love y'all
love elder ritchie

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