Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Good news and sad news

We were expecting transfer calls this week. We had talked to President a couple days ago to invite him to Nick's baptism this weekend, but he will be at a mission president seminar, then we asked if we would both be here for the baptism and he said yeah, but one of us would have to be coming from a new area to watch it. So we thought one of us would get transferred and my comp has been here longer so I figured he was out and we were telling everyone that was the case but president switched it up on us. We only have one change in our zone so our apartment is staying the same. This will be the third transfer with it the same so that's four and a half months which is pretty sweet. We decided we will all be best friends or hate each other by the end of it.. haha! But one of the other missionaries is going on ten and a half months in his area. I'm hoping this will be my last area cause the work is going so well and it would be nice to have an area for more than five months... if I finish here I'll have been her around seven. Oh, and yes, I would like to fly in to IF, there is another missionary that came out with me that is from Idaho Falls so we will get to fly all the way home together.  Elder Neild and I have talked about it.

Nick's baptism is this weekend and everything is looking good, his girlfriend got her this weekend and she is cool. Nick asked me to baptize him so that will be cool, I haven't baptized anyone for a while now and then he asked one of the bishopric, Brother Cheney, to confirm him. We are hoping the whole ward will be there haha! There are still alot of members that think he is already a member and when they hear he is getting baptized they are a little confused.

Sad news.  We found out the missionary that was in the wreck in Salt Lake isn't going to be able to recover from his injuries and they found he has no brain waves and they are going to take him off the life support this week. His name is Christian Terry and he was from Provo.  He was one of my favorite missionaries and good friends. He was a Spanish missionary, I got to spend a lot of time around in Baton Rouge and he was in my zone again when I was in Thibodaux. He was a great kid, full of energy and loved the people he served and loved life. Please keep his family in your prayers.

Well, back to good news. We have another new investigator named Megan who is married to a less active returned missionary and we have been meeting with them for the last couple of weeks.  She is pretty curious about us. We had dinner with them last night and then we helped them put in a new stove.  It took longer than expected so we didn't get to the lesson cause we had to leave, but she was really sad because she said she read and had questions so that was good news but she was very grateful we helped them with the stove and her husband is way cool too.  He is kind of a surfer and skater so I relate with him  super easy.  I'm able to talk snowboarding with him, something I have hardly been able to do with people down here. They have a lot of potential and they have their first child on the way.

Sherry and Jade are also doing well, we had a couple lessons with them this past week but we had to move their baptismal dates back to around Thanksgiving because Jade is getting her tonsils out this week and we still have lessons to teach them. That's when Sherry's mom will be able to be in town and she is a member and introduced them to the church.

So things are well here. But hey, I'm kinda disappointed with the emails lately! Three sentences from one person in the family!  Tell Josh I'm not gonna email him unless he starts writing me!   And just tell Peter he's lame. Rebecca's doing well though, so it's a good thing Luke married her haha! And Luke doesn't do half bad.
Have a good week!
Love y'all
Love, Elder Ritchie

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