Monday, October 15, 2012

Giving vision through the fog

We had a good week! Nick had his baptismal interview. Elder Peterson interviewed him and after about ten minutes they came out and Elder Peterson said he was ready and probably the most prepared person he had ever interveiwed and he was able to explain and answer everything perfectly, so that was awesome!

On Friday, the day before,the interview, Nick got us and the Pineville Elders some pizza, so we chowed down at the church and then we had a lesson on on personal finances and food storage. We told him we didn't know much about it but we would try, we ended up finding some church pamphlets about both and they were really good and simple, haha! I'm going to have to keep one for myself, I'm actually going to make a suggestion to my mission president to give them to all the missionaries before they go home haha!

Oh, more good news, Jen commited to a date this week! We had a lesson and talked about how she was doing and we had showed her a Mormon Message by Elder Bednar that talks about being in a fog and seeing light, but its foggy and that you just have to take steps. We were teaching and she was struggling to know what she should do because she is trying to get an answer but hasn't got a firm conviction yet and then we brought up the fog and we talked about how you just keep taking steps and you can see a little further and more clearly. What was blurry before, will become clear. Then we talked about how it's like if you were stranded in the middle of the ocean with no boat, your just swimming and you can't see anything but ocean around and how likely are you to go swimming in a direction? You won't because you don't know which way to swim, but if there is a small glimpse of land in the distance, are you going to swim? And which way are you going to swim? Well, to the land of course. So we compared that to baptism and how if she sets a goal it can give her a glimpse of the land. So we invited her to set a goal and she picked December 15th and she is working on that now. That's good news!

We are supposed to see Sherry and Jade today and we will probably have to move their baptism back a week or two because we still haven't taught them enough because they have been so busy and sick, but Jade has still been going to Seminary and they still want to work at it.

So great to hear Eric is home. What are his plans?

I better get going. I love y'all!
Love, elder Ritchie

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