Monday, October 8, 2012

Conference was Great!

Conference was really good we watched the morning session at a member's home in the Pineville ward, the ward that shares the building with us. Nick was there and they fed us breakfast it was really good.  We were all blown away to hear 18 year-olds can go on missions now and 19 year-old sisters, that will be interesting.  I don't know how much of it I will be able to see but maybe a little bit. I really like Elder Bednar's talk, the last one on Sunday before the prophet and the one before him was Elder Clarke who came here, it was cool because those two have come to our mission and I've met them.  Then right after the prophet spoke the closing prayer was given by another 70 that I had met, Elder Gibbons, so it was really cool three people that have come here gave talks or gave a prayer the last session I get to watch on my mission... that's a sad thing to think about, that I won't get to watch another one as a full time missionary.. But hey, you should get tickets to next conference!
Oh and Jamie from Chalmette was supposed to go to one of the sessions this weekend  with Elder Cranney my first companion and the Merritt's, a senior couple that served down in New Orleans, so that was really awesome.  I got a letter from her a couple weeks ago telling me that she was going, she has been planing on it for about a year because the Merritt's just went home a little while ago they were brand new to New Orleans when I was brand new there too.
Nick was able to go to every session, he said he had watched a little before for like 10 minutes and said it didn't interest him but now he said he loved it and it actually made sense ha ha, before he said he was just thinking why are there old guys in suits talking in front of some plants. But he said he got alot from them, he loved President Uchtdorf and Monson alot. Our other investigator Jen was there to at the church we are supposed to have a lesson with her on Tuesday so we will be able to talk about it then and find out what she thought about it. We are hoping that something will impact her because she is really close, she basically just needs to get baptized.
Well we had some meetings this week, me and Elder Smith had to instruct on companion and district unity  so we had some good visual activities that we did with a table and then one we did with chair that went pretty good.
Our other investigators, Sherry and Jade didn't make it to conference they were out of town somewhere but Jade has been sick this whole week and has to get her tonsils out on Thanksgiving so we were able to go by with the bishop and give her a blessing.
Well, love all y'all
love elder ritchie

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