Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Wedding, Baptims, and Easter

First, tell Grandpa to get better! (He's been in the hospital with pneumonia)

Sounds like fun weekend (Erica's farewell). My companion's talk is on May 15 if your gonna be there he says to come!

The baptisms went perfect, they couldn't have gone any better! I baptized the father, R., my companion baptized the mother, T., and the bishop baptized the daughter C. The wedding went great also, it was awesome. They are going to be some solid members and already are doing their part in missionary work by helping us fellowship some new investigators with baptismal dates that live just down the road. They are also helping us teach their friends who have baptismal dates too so everything is running smoothly here I get my new companion tomorrow and we absorbed the other area in Chalmette so it's just going to be me and my new companion, Elder Griner so I've kinda got to head the new area. It's gonna be a lot of work because we have to take on the other missionaries investigators. I've gone on exchanges with them, so I think I've got it.

That baptism was probably one of the best days of my life, it was so awesome to see them get baptized and see how happy their family is now and to see how they love going to church. Oh, and R. also got the priesthood and they all got confirmed the day after. I was nervous to confirm them because I'd only read over the confirmation ordinance like one time before and I had to confirm R. first but I managed to do it right.

I was on an exchange Tuesday and Wednesday this last week in downtown New Orleans. I got to ride my bike all over the city. It was pretty cool to see everything and I also got to do a lot of Spanish work (I didn't do much, just went with Spanish missionaries, but I know a few words and I'm working on my testimony in Spanish).

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, we were groom's men at the wedding, it was awesome! R. bought me and Elder Cranney matching ties and we got to walk down the aisle, just not side by side with the bridesmaids. Our mission president and his wife were there too, it was really special. But as great as the wedding was, it was hard to compare it to the baptism and it won't compare to when they get to go to the temple. Well, I don't know what else to write... tell everyone hi for me and I miss them all.

Love ya,
love elder ritchie

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