Monday, April 11, 2011

Baptism Commitments and Muffulettas

Hey ya'll,

It's been hot here, it was just under 90 degrees and probably 90 percent humidity the other day and we were tracting all day. I got some serious sun and then we got into a lesson and the house was probably 60 degrees, it felt like my body was about to go into shock. It is already a lot worse then July in Idaho. We keep telling people that there is still snow in Idaho and they don't believe us and think we are crazy for putting up with the snow for that long. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a foreign country. It's pretty cool.

Our main main investigator family are doing great, they are for sure getting married and then baptized on the same day. We just committed the daughter to be baptized the same day so its going really great. They have also been giving us some more solid referrals. We talked to the a niece and sister and had a good lesson with them, they wanted the change that they had seen in our investigator's family. The niece also said she has always wanted to be baptized so she lit up when we brought up baptism.

The food here is incredible. I had some ribs at our investigators house and they were probably the best ribs i have ever eaten. The bone literally pulled right out of them and was clean. I've also had some really good oyster-shrimp-mushroom-sausage gumbo. And a muffuletta! That's a sandwich with meat and cheese and then a layer of olive salad on top and its all on a huge Italian bun, it was amazing.

I don't know what they do to the breads they use down here but they are so good! I think its the humidity, the poboy and muffaletta bread is so good. There was a parade on conference weekend for St. Patrick's day in the St Bernard Parrish (Chalmette) and they just throw heads of cabbage, carrots and potatoes to the people, it's a really weird tradition but it's pretty cool so we have been eating a lot of cabbage lately.

I'm still loosing weight. We all work out in the mornings and run and go play basketball and then you sweat it off during the day. I think I've lost another 7 to 8 pounds these last 2 weeks. Oh, and are you gonna get my old watch fixed and send it to me? It would be nice to have more than one.

Love, Elder Ritchie

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