Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Conference was GREAT!

I loved conference I think I liked Elder Bednar's talk best about spiritual revelation and how there are two kinds, the turn-the-light-on kind and the sun-rises slowly kind. It is really evident out here in the field, some days you feel your not getting much help and then you think back and you were actually able to accomplish alot. And some days you just get an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and revelation.

We watched the Saturday sessions at a member's house just down the road. Ask Luke if he knows them, they were in Pensacola when the hurricane hit there. We had our main investigators there to watch. They really liked it and they had some good questions especially about temples and being sealed. The gospel is doing wonders for them. The father is one rough looking guy but he has a big heart and the gospel is helping him show it because i don't think he knew how before. The mother is the golden investigator she eats it all up and always wants more. She said when she doesn't do church stuff now she gets depressed. She said I could come stay with them when I get off my mission and her cooking makes it a very temping offer, ha ha. She makes awesome gumbo and macaroni and cheese like I've never seen and stuffed bell peppers. Wow! but back to conference, between the Saturday day sessions we had a bbq and of course I manned the grill as much as they would let me, (They were pretty impressed of my skills being from Idaho) but it was really good! I don't know what people do here but the food is amazing. Well priesthood session was really good except I feel like I'm supposed to go get married now, ha ha. It was really good for our investigator, it showed him how he should be as a husband and he said he liked it. They took us to the church on Sunday too, and there was a ward potluck between sessions. Oh yeah, I saw my cousin Maria in the choir! It was cool I wasn't expecting that.

We had something awesome happen after conference, we went out tracking to try and find some new investigators because we were 2 under our goal for the week and just as we were leaving to go to a new area because we weren't getting anything thing other than the abrupt "I'm Catholic" response, we were driving and we saw a really big family out playing in the yard and as we got down the road a ways we just knew we had to go talk to them and so we parked and headed over and we got talking. It started off good and she was listening but then said she had her church and was happy with it. We asked if we could have a short lesson with them and she said, yes but she had her fellowship. But we gave her and her kids a short lesson and and then we bore our testimonies of how there was a living prophet and through the proper authority families can be together forever and we asked her if this was true, wouldn't she really want to know that? And as we were bearing out testimonies you could just she the change in her eyes and her kids eyes and she said, "yes, I would definitely want to know that", and we went around the circle and asked each one if they wanted to know and they all said yes. After that she was basically begging us to come back and teach her more. She said "I have to get your number". and we asked her when was the best time we could come back and she said "well there is tomorrow but that's my birthday", so we told her she had to let us bring a cake, and she said of course she would let us as long as it had pecans in it. Ha ha, so we are going to make a cake today with pecans.

Well, it finally rained down here... and it was crazy! It rained 6 inches in about 4 hours.. we were driving down the road and it looked like a river, it was so cool! I think I heard a tornado touched down in our area but in might have been in Ponchatula, I'm not sure, we don't get to watch the news. We were about to go into a lesson with some inactive members and their investigator daughter-in-law and we were standing under their entry way when a bolt of lightning hit less than a half mile away. The shock wave was like some one punched me in the gut and it almost knocked my companion over, it was so cool. Scary, but cool. I've never had the hair on the back of my neck stand up like that, it was intense.

Oh, my companion is Elder Cranney, he is from Draper, he is 26 and this is his last transfer. He is the former assistant to the president so he knows what he is doing. The other elders and I always joke the when he talks we are listening to a future apostle.

There are four of us in our apartment so we have a good time, one is from Pocatello so I give him a hard time for that and the other is from Brigham City.
Well, that's about all I've got. Take care, miss everyone!

love elder ritchie

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