Monday, April 18, 2011

Upcoming Baptism


It's been a great week I have my first baptism coming up Saturday if everything goes according to plan we will be baptizing our investigator family, T, R and C. I hope everything runs smoothly and right before the baptism T and R are getting married. They are awesome, they all have changed so much from the time we have met them and they are all loving the gospel. To hear them pray is the best part because they are really praying from the heart, they don't just do the routine things that life long members say, you can really tell how they are searching in their hearts for what to say and to here them say they are thankful for us as missionaries is awesome, I don't even know how to describe it.

The weather down here has been really nice. It got cool towards the end of last week, it still feels like early summer in Idaho but it feels really good for here. Tell Dillon good luck for me and I'll try and write him especially in the mtc.

Oh, p-day is on Tuesday next week because its transfer week to so I won't email till then.. I'm already through one transfer.

Love, Elder Sam

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