Monday, June 11, 2012

The Scent of Sagebrush

Hey, yeah! I got the package and my favorite thing was probably the sage brush, when i smelled it, that's probably the most home sick I've been on my mission. Good job mom, you got me! haha! I'm planning on trying out the shoes today.

I'm in Baton Rouge, my old stomping ground, it's weird to come back to an area where you served and to think about all the memories, It makes you miss that area and the people. I'm right across the street from my Iranian friend's rug shop and we saw him out side when we drove up so that was awesome.

We had some good lessons this week, got some instruction on how we can use more visuals in our lessons too. Kind of like how they used to use the old flip charts, we aren't using it like they did but it was just an idea with some of the phamphlets they have that works really cool so we are pretty excited to go try it.

We got to watch a guy named Cactus Jack do a fireside on Friday, that was pretty good, we were kinda hoping he would have sung more than he did though he talked a lot. But he had just come from Idaho Falls. Cool.

Anyways, that's sweet your going to Lake Powell, send me some pictures or some thing. I have some from my birthday i need to send but i don't know if I'll be able to do it today, I'm kinda crunched on time and gotta get running.

love y'all
love elder ritchie

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