Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Don't be bragging about your bland food!

Another good week! We got to help with an eagle project and watch a show by a guy that we have been working with to help him get to the temple. He played for a high priest group social so we got to go watch him play, he can play like 10 instruments he even had a steel drum that he would play it was pretty sick. Oh yeah, transfer calls were last night and I'm staying here again so this will be my second longest area so far and I'm staying with my companion so he will be my longest companion. I'm glad I actually get to stay with a companion for a while now I's been getting new ones.
It sounds like Lake Powell was fun, I don't feel to bad because I got to go twice the year before I left and then the year before that when y'all didn't get to go, so you caught up to me I think so it was only fair.
Oh, on my birthday we didn't do to much, just went to church then went over to the Tolberts, he is in the stake presidency and he loves missionaries so he found out it was my birthday at church so he said we didn't have a choice, we were coming over. He is actually the reason my companion stayed with me this transfer, he put in a word with my mission president and told him we needed to stay here together. We heard from the assistant that he was going to go but then President Wall said President Tolbert would kill him if he did, so he got to stay here. That's revelation with some help, haha! Elder Murphy from Idaho Falls goes home this week and alot of Spanish missionaries I've been able to serve with, Elder Christiansen and Killpack, two of my favorites.  It's getting harder and harder to see people leave but there's not to many more that have been out longer than I have. That's one of the weirdest parts of a mission, when all your friends go home and the new guys have to step up to the plate.
By the way how is Erica doing? I haven't heard anything in a while.
Well, we had a little bit of a break through with someone we have been teaching, he started reading and says he knows its true now we just have to help him act on it. It's gonna be a tough one with his situation but we know he can do it if he has the Lord's help. We had a packed sacrament meeting on Sunday, we have started taking the sacrament meeting attendance of the units we are in to help track real growth and we saw around 40 more people than average and there was over 200 people in the chapel, it was really cool to see a packed chapel!  Hopefully we can work on making that the new average and getting all the people that don't normally come make it out and get them some gospel in their lives.

My Apartment in Denham Springs

My Apartment Building

Oh, happy fathers day dad! I didn't send a package I forgot to tell you that Cajun Pow sauce in the last package was for you.  I was going to send you some swamp seeds too, they are sunflower seeds  boiled in a crawfish type boil but they are a little spicy.  If y'all are having a tough time with the Slap Your Mama I don't know if you can handle em! Oh and by the way, mom where did you always get the Tony's we always had from??  I always tell people I had it growing up because they rave about it down here and they say people come here just for to buy it  or they take it to people when they travel. So where did you get yours cause I tell people I had it back home and it blows their minds and I never know where you got it...Walmart?? haha!
Oh and you don't have to be bragging about your (bland) bottomless bowls of food :) on the house boat, you don't even want to get me started on food.... cause if there is one thing people can do down here its cook and it's not even as good as it was over in Lafayette, so don't worry about me missing the Lake Powell food. I actually had a delicious gumbo last night at the bishops and I even had potato salad to throw in it! Yes, gumbo with a scoop of potato salad in it is amazing!

Sam with "non-bland" food

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