Monday, June 4, 2012

Last week of 20

Yes, I'm still 20 but my this is  my last week of it.  
This week was a little slower than last week but it was still good. We had stake conference so we went to alot of meetings because they asked us to go to all of them.  We had a older couple that has been less active show up to church. We had a dinner with them and they showed up to stake conference so that was sweet and a couple other less actives we have been working with were there.  It was a really good stake conference, it was all about temples the theme was "an invitation to exaltation".  
We have had a couple of set backs with investigators this week, one got in a wreck and can't meet with us right now and another has been sick. So we had a week of less active work. We met with one that was way cool, he showed us a Mormon rap he made called Mormon Souljers,  it was sweet! He used the  Book of Mormon Stories tune in it. I'll try and send it so you can hear it.  he also showed us his car collection and wants to take us golfing, so we are going to really love working with him.
We even had a member of the Seventy, Elder Gibbons, come this week and talk about how one of his friends used golfing to spread the gospel by taking his nonmember friends and the mission president to play a round of golf. He said on the 14th hole he would tell the mission president beforehand that he should ask his nonmember friend if he had ever invited him to meet with his missionaries and then the non member would say no and then he told the mission president to look at him and he would then ask his friends if he would come meet with him and the missionaries. So we are hoping that we can get members to do things like this also. The major thing that Elder Gibbons tried to help us understand is that this is not our mission, this is not the Louisiana Baton Rouge missionaries mission, that it's the ward members' mission and they should be excited to get people to learn and not be able to stand the thought of their non member friends not having the gospel and that it is easy and fun to share the gospel.  He said we shouldn't worry and that its not our responsibility for our friends to become members but it is our responsibility to invite them and show them how much of a blessing it is. He said there is almost nothing better for families especially for kids than to have friends learn about the gospel in their home. 
Well that's all for this week, we are going fishing in Albany today with a bunch of missionaries.  So hopefully we'll catch some. They say they have caught a bunch of catfish and turtles and even a few gators. The gators come and eat the fish when your fighting it, then your fighting a gator but they always break off right before you get them in because they start to freak out and they don't actually get hooked. 
Well love y'all
love Elder Ritchie

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